Q: How is the game played?

The Miracle League is a National 501(c)3 non-profit organization providing children and adults with disabilities, regardless of their ability, the opportunity to play baseball.  Each player dresses in an official uniform, makes plays in the field, and rounds the bases just like their peers. 

Each Player gets to bat in each inning. 

Each Player circles the bases and scores each inning.

Each game ends in a tie.

Q: Where is Miracle League of Parker County located?

A: We are located at Miracle League of Parker County 2308 Tin Top Rd Weatherford TX 76087.

Q: Do I have to live in Parker County in order to play?

A:  No, we welcome all players from all communities near or far.

Q: When are the games played?

A: We have two Seasons: A Spring season which typically begins the last weekend of March and a Fall Season that typically begins mid-September.  Games are played on Saturdays. Game times are 9:00am, 10:15am and 11:30am on Saturdays. (Spring 2025 Baseball Season) March 22 / March 29 / Apr 5 / Apr 12 / Apr 19 (Easter) / Apr 26 / May 3  

Q: How many game days are in a season?

A: All games are on the 6 elected Saturdays, we have 6 game days per season, games last about an hour, dates will be provided.

Q: When are practices?

A: Only a few of our coaches hold practice for their teams. Coaches will contact you if they practice.

Q: How old does my child or adult have to be to play?

A: 5 years old or older.

Q: How do I register to Buddy?

A: Please go to our home page a click our link to volunteer spot. All our games times are listed.

Q: What happens if we have bad weather?

A:  The Miracle League of Parker County will notify the league via the website and with a Facebook post if a game is cancelled. Our policy is to have this online 90 minutes before the game. Games that get cancelled due to weather will not be rescheduled. Coaches will notify the parents and players.  I understand there can be frustration with the games being cancelled due to the weather. All of the players are disappointed when there are rain outs. Please know that we put a lot of thought into making the decision to cancel games. Our number one priority is the safety of the kids!!!