Become a Buddy
The Miracle League is a National 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a variety of volunteer opportunities. By giving only a few hours of your time not only will you make a difference in a special person’s life, but in your own as well.
Buddy training video
What is a Buddy?
One of the most important parts of the Miracle League is the “Buddy” system – pairing each player with an able boided friend to assist them on and off the field during a two inning game. Guidance is generously offered by coaches, organization leaders, and family members. We are looking for people who are willing to donate their time, a little or a lot, to help us out in this capacity. Buddies can be fellow schoolmates, parents, high school or college students, athletes, business leaders, church group, Boy or Girl Scouts, or any individual or group who wishes to volunteer their time to give the gift of baseball and a smile that touches us all.
Do I qualify as a Buddy?
Individuals must be able bodied and enthusiastic about serving those with special needs. Become a “Buddy” and you will be captivated by how much you are needed and cherished by the players and their families. We don’t look upon our players as handicapped, but as friends. Volunteering as a Buddy only requires a couple hours weekly during our 6 week season. Thank you in advance for considering the donation of your time to help others.
When do I Buddy?
The Miracle League offers two seasons each year for baseball. Each Spring and Fall seasons include opening ceremonies, six fun packed two inning games and many other activities. Its more than just a game it is an experience!
How do I sign up?
The Miracle League of Parker County is a volunteer organization. Help us to further serve our great community. If you or your group is interested in becoming an integral part of our “Buddy” program, please feel free to contact us.
To Download the Volunteer Buddy Under 18 Release Form CLICK HERE
Volunteer to Coach
You don’t have to consider yourself the most qualified baseball coach in the county, or even know a whole lot about baseball in general. What you do need is a big heart and lots of love, a passion for serving and an ability to give our players plenty of smiles and encouragement. If that’s you then fill out the form below, we would love for you to be part of something truly special.
To Download the Volunteer Registration Form CLICK HERE
To learn how you can become a volunteer, please contact James Gray at (817) 614.6261.