2024 Weather Policy
The Miracle League of Parker County will notify the league via the website and with a Facebook post if a game is cancelled. Our policy is to have this online 90 minutes before the game. Games that get cancelled due to weather will be rescheduled if volunteers are available. Coaches will notify the parents and players too.
Dear Families, Players, Volunteers and Fans of Miracle League of Parker County,
I understand there can be frustration with the games being cancelled due to the weather. All of the players are disappointed when there are rain outs. Please know that we put a lot of thought into making the decision to cancel games. Our number one priority is the safety of the athletes!!! We wish we could control Mother Nature until after the season!!!
With 85 players and close to 130 volunteers the logistics of making up games has many constraints. The league respects the time of its volunteers because most of them have other activities that they have to attend to. Hopefully one day we will be able to come up with an alternative to offer for rain outs or bad weather.
Thank you,
James Gray
Executive Director
Miracle League of Parker County